Teacher Turned Author

South Broward High School Teacher Theresa Braun Publishes Her New Book ‘Fountain Dead’

Brianna Martin, Editor

Paranormal activity is something a lot of people disagree about, but newly published author and creative writing teacher, Teresa Braun, says otherwise. On November 20th, the South Broward teacher and inspiring author published her first book, ‘Fountain Dead’. Her inspiration for the paranormal genre came from 2-years of living in her decades-old home. She hopes people will come to enjoy the thrilling horrors of her new book.

“I have always been interested in ghost hunting, traveling on ghost tours and I always had a fascination with the supernatural,” said Ms. Braun.

‘Fountain Dead’s setting takes place a historical home that has been involved in several American revolutionary events such as the Civil War and the American-Indian Wars. Ms. Braun includes that the “American-Indian Wars” are something that are not often discussed in schools or textbooks, which is why she included it in her novel.

The thrilling new adventure awaits more student readers. ‘Fountain Dead’ can be found in the South Broward school library and on Amazon.com. Some students hope she will eventually end up on the bookshelves next to her more inspiring author, Steven King.

“His status and complex writing are spectacular. I feel I can relate to him the most since, he too, started his career first as a teacher.” she said this with a smile on her face.

With finally publishing her first book, Braun explores the idea of turning the writing hobby into her future career.

“It makes you wonder, would it be a good career?” she said, “I definitely see it more as a career than a hobby, for sure.”

While still being a teacher, Braun does ponder if she would leave teaching behind, “I would miss it, but I wouldn’t mind taking a break from it.”

With her passion for writing growing stronger, the next thing on her mind is if she would consider writing another book.

“Yes, I do plan on writing another book soon. At the moment I’m stuck in like an incubation period because I’m thinking what it will be about, but I might write a sequel to the first book too,” she said, “[I don’t write] as much as I want. I do plan on writing more during the holidays or maybe the summer.”

She added that it is important to write and gave advice to inspiring authors, “Its great to have some kind of social media… it’s important to see structure and style of other writers. Just do it, never give up on writing.”