COVID-19 Left My Parents Without a Job. Now What?


Tommy Garcia, Contributior

Five years ago, my family moved from Argentina to the U.S. It was tough at first. We moved four times in five years. At one point, we were living in a hotel. My parents worked cleaning houses and, recently, worked in the advertisement industry as walking billboards, struggling to make ends meet. Then, COVID-19 happened. Their cleaning clients didn’t want to take the risk and empty streets meant nobody looking at ads. 

We were pretty desperate and had to come up with an idea to earn some money during the lockdown. 

Then my mom, Vivian Alvarez, came up with the idea of Argentinian food delivery. She thought of it while talking to my dad, Carlos Garcia, about what they could do to make ends meet. Also, they both are interested in the food industry which is the main reason why they decided to move on and do the food delivery.

“It was an idea that was thought by me mostly,” said Alvarez.”But [Carlos] helped me figure out how it should be done.”

Garcia thought of his friend and professional chef, Carlos Roca, and together they came up with, FaceCook 2020. 

FaceCook 2020 is basically an Argentinian food delivery. The food is homemade and there are options that the clients can pick to eat, such as Argentinian empanadas, and Argentinian pizzas.

“Having a professional chef really helps,” said Garcia. “The food looks tasty after it’s taken out of the oven, it also smells really good.”

The way FaceCook 2020 is being marketed online is through our community manager, who edits pictures and videos and then posts them in all of FaceCook 2020’s social media. From Facebook to Instagram.

“This community manager has been helpful when it comes to marketing our food to let others know that FaceCook exists,” said Alvarez. “I do not know how to edit videos and do all of that.”

FaceCook 2020 does not only consist of the chef and the community manager, but the whole family also works behind the scenes. First off, my mom is the one who talks in the explanatory videos of the brand (talking about the food, etc.). Then, my dad is the one who cleans after the chef is done cooking, alongside my mom. Lastly, my brother and I are the ones who record the videos that are then edited and posted by our community manager.

“It keeps us all busy,” said Garcia. “It is a fun way for us to spend some quality time together.”

The Argentinian empanadas and pizzas are prepared with strict health code procedures by chef Roca, wearing a face mask, gloves, and a chef’s hat before touching any food.

“It can be difficult at times to use all of these while cooking, but it feels amazing because I am taking care of the clients’ health in a way,” said Roca.

Delivery is done by my dad. Before he leaves the house, he puts a Full Body Isolation Suit that he purchased from Amazon, which is a suit that covers the whole body, except the face. Because of that, he also wears a face mask. Now, he is ready to go and deliver the food 

“Most of the clients have told me that when they see me wearing all of that, they feel calm and comfortable eating the food,” said Garcia. “Also, there have only been positive comments about the food, which obviously makes me happy.”

Thanks to FaceCook 2020, we are now able to make ends meet and pay the bills. After all the travels my family and I had during these four years living in the United States, we moved to a department last year and live in a comfortable place.

“Those four years have gone really fast, yet slow,” said Alvarez. “I sometimes wonder how we made it here, those years were stressful for all of us”