Net Un_Neutrality


Andrej Petreski, Contributor

Net neutrality has been a topic that people have been debating on for years. Net neutrality is when all the data on the internet is treated the same. Some people want to repeal it, and others want to keep it. I personally feel like net neutrality shouldn’t be repealed. Net neutrality has been on the internet for years and people are satisfied with it. 

All those hours you spend on Instagram, on Snap Chat, on the internet for school, well with net neutrality you will be charged for every hour. Crazy isn’t it. With net neutrality our resources will be limited and restricted.

We need to keep the internet how it is. If they weren’t treated the same then you could be charged more for less. “If it isn’t broken don’t fix it,’ as I would say to net neutrality. Internet is considered one of our needs to live today and it shouldn’t be tampered with. They should leave the internet as it is. 

Imagine if your internet provider was EA. Your internet provider can charge you more money for less internet and it wouldn’t be illegal. This can be the literal Hell for some people. If net neutrality were repealed I would write a hate letter to Ajit Pai. This should never happen with the internet. Do not repeal net neutrality.