Teens Using E-Cigarettes


Emily Jean, Editor

Electric cigarettes also known as, “e-cigarettes” were created to help cigarette smokers to cut back on their smoking habits to prevent, potential life threatening health issues. Over the years many teens have managed to get their hands on e-cigarettes. Many people think, that smoking e-cigarettes is “safer” than smoking real cigarettes but is it really? Electric cigarettes allow people to add fruit flavors and other flavors that people may enjoy.

“Almost 100 teens from the San Francisco Bay area were examined in the University of California-San Francisco study: 67 teens used e-cigarettes only, 16 used both e-cigarettes and conventional cigarettes and 20 didn’t smoke or vape at all. Urine and salivary gland testing looked for breakdown products of toxic chemicals that have been associated with  cancer– and found them in both smokers and vapers — but not those who didn’t smoke at all.”

The studies that were conducted showed, “higher presence of benzene, ethylene oxide, acrylonitrile, acrolein and acrlamide (all associated with higher risks of cancer). Levels were three times as high as those who used just e-cigarettes.”

The studies that were conducted did not go in further to show if, the teens had developed cancer. “This is the first study to assess the chemicals in e-cigarettes among adolescent use, highlighting the need to warn teenagers that there is not much known about the possible negative health risks associated with e-cigarettes.”