A Club To Sing For

A Club To Sing For

Andrea Gadek, Contributor

William McKinley High School’s Glee Club may be getting some competition this school year.

South Broward High School junior Andrea Gadek has recently started a Chorus Club on the Bulldogs territory. Gadek has been dreaming about this opportunity for over a year after being inspired by a popular television series Glee.

Chorus Club started meeting unofficial on November 7, to begin introductions, what is expected of the members, and what possible events the club might participate in, however, considering the club was officially started on November 28. From the official start date every Wednesday, with some exceptions, the club will meet in Ms. Sanderson’s room to prepare for the next event they will perform in.

Chorus Club is focused on singing songs for school events, outside school events, and competitions. The songs will be a variety of tunes ranging from rock to pop to even country if the members wish.

Gadek has been thriving to create a club environment that is fun for everyone involved by giving the members opportunities to choose what they sing and how they will get involved with the school and community.

The club will be member-driven and team-based. Meaning, the participants of the club will be able to make a lot of the decisions, but must work as a group to create a harmonious sound. The members will also decide whether they want to perform in a certain event or not, such as parades.

Chorus Club is a safe space.

Any unnecessary behavior will not be tolerated especially from one of our own members. The club is open to all students attending South Broward that wish to flourish as a singer, whether shy or outgoing. There are no auditions required to be part of the family.

Junior Maria Garcia has some thoughts on the newly started club,

“This club will definitely succeed! I have seen so much work and dedication from the people involved in our club that it’s impossible to fail. [The key element to a successful club is] teamwork for sure. If we don’t work together then the club will completely fall apart. Everyone has something important to offer. Teamwork is crucial to any group.”

Freshman Alexandra Farthing has similar comments,

“I honestly do [think this club will succeed]! Even if it’s just the few members we have now, I genuinely feel that we can accomplish whatever we try to do. The key to a successful club is people who genuinely care, no matter the number.”

“If you or anyone you know is interested in joining the club, the class code on Remind is @edh873 or you may speak with Ms. Sanderson in room 328 directly after school hours. I really would love to see all the different personalities joining to do something they all love. Don’t let others dictate whether you want to be part of something you may end up loving,” said Gadek.

With a song in our hearts, the club wishes to hit a high note with students and parents alike.