Taylor Scirghio


Ashley Spinella, contributor

Taylor Scirghio, is a senior at South Broward High School dealing with many struggles regarding this new way of learning. She talked about the things she misses about going to school: her friends, teachers, sports, extracurricular activities, even “the loud and crazy lunchroom.”

“Online learning has really been a struggle for me this year,” she said.

Scirghio says the only thing she likes about online learning is having more freedom being at home.

“I like being at home in my own space much more than being stuck uncomfortable in school, ” said Scirghio.

Scirghio says her cons outweigh the pros big time with online learning. She talks about how much harder it actually is from home.

“School is a lot harder not hands-on learning, I have no motivation most days to get up and do anything,” she said .

Scirghio said WiFi connections and computer glitches make online learning harder and feels teachers need to be more understanding.

“Teachers should try to understand what their students are dealing with, including why they may want to keep cameras off or why they can’t make live classes, and work with them,” said Scirghio.

Instead of going to school, She decided to attend online learning because she doesn’t feel safe being around so many people at this time.

“I definitely want to go back to in-school learning when the cases calm down and things get better,” she said.

She admits things could be a lot worse regarding schooling at this time but she still struggles with the same problems every day.

“Headaches, anxiety and exhaustion caused by never-ending video meetings is the new normal,” says Scirghio.

She feels online school should be set up how they had it from the beginning in March when teachers assigned assignments and students did not have to worry about making it on time to an online class.

“I don’t understand why they made everything so complicated, they should have kept it as just assigning work and us submitting it on canvas. Video chatting all day with teachers isn’t helping anyone,” said Scrighio.

When Scirghio turned off her camera to run to the bathroom during a Team lesson recently, her teacher kicked her out of the class.

“Teachers expect us to always be near our computers with our cameras on. They don’t understand that being at home we have other things to deal with,” said Scrighio.

She also talks about how she misses her friends and going to school and socializing.

“If you had told me a few months ago that I would be praying to go to school, I would’ve laughed and called you crazy, but I would do anything to go back to my school,” said Scrighio.