16 year-old, Calvin Lee is placing Christmas gifts under his tree.

All I Want for Christmas is: Love and Respect

Calvin Lee is a 16-year-old  junior at South Broward High School whose Christmas list usually consists of video games or electronics. But this year, he added something that you can’t buy: Love and respect. But, not just for him. For everyone.

“Love is very powerful. Love makes you feel ways that money and gifts can’t make you feel. And if you have love and respect from the people that you admire, I think you will live a joyful life,” said Lee.

He wants to live in a world where, rather than reaction and confrontation, more people prefer respect and reality. He feels the we all need love because the world is full of so much tension.

“I feel as if we can make this happen by choosing to not take everything so personally if we want to have more love and less violence in the world,” said Lee.

Lee believes that we should be more respectful and understanding because we don’t know what people go through.

“Love will help to calm down a lot of the violence that is going on,” said Lee. “Because everyone will be happy and in a good mood and a good spirit don’t need to fight, argue, or bicker.” 

He says that everyone should get and spread love, and spreading love is the way you spread smiles.

“It would happen everywhere around the world right now starting with you,” said Lee.


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