Daphne Dilbert

Daphne Dilbert is a 45-year-old AT&T consultant who also dedicates most of her time volunteering in different areas of our community. She has received many rewards and recognition for the hard work and persistence she puts into her work.

“I volunteer for my church and once a quarter we go out to feed the homeless in Miami. We not only feed them, but we provide toiletries and clothing as well,” Dilbert said. “We usually feed about 150 people once a quarter.”

Dilbert and her church also give out food at the church every month. She even goes out of her way to create and order custom reusable bags to hand out and pack produce in for people. Dilbert, along with like-minded members of her church, distribute food to around 100 people to help them get through the month.

“Even though I do a lot of work under my church, but it’s also a partnership with my company, AT&T. So in addition to the church, I host charity events to raise funds for non-profits. One, in particular, is called LES,” she said.

LES, Libera Economic and Social Development, is an affordable housing organization and a group that provides people with food out of the pantry. Dilbert is an active board member and volunteer for the organization.

“A big thing is that every year, I win the President’s Award for Volunteering,” she said.

Dilbert dedicates on average around 200 to 250 hours a year and at least 10 hours a week towards volunteering.

“I do a lot of planning, I do an annual golf tournament for AT&T, I raise between 30,000 to 50,000 a year and my company and I disperse all those funds out to different non-profits, like Children’s Cancer Center is a recipient of our funding every year,” she said.

Dilbert spends around 60 hours annually just for planning the charity event.

She soon hopes to begin her upcoming project by cleaning up Liberty city in the Allapattah area. Other than her organization for the cleanup, she hopes to start many more projects that will help out the different communities in the area.

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