SBHS Junior Upset About Searches

 Recently Broward County Public Schools passed a law to start conducting searches for the upcoming school year due to weapons found on campuses. SBHS was searched twice in, just in September. Daniel S., junior at the school, was one of the people checked. He wasn’t too happy about it. 

“It’s an invasion of privacy,” he said. “If you’re not accused guilty of something, they are basically searching you for no reason.

He believes the purpose is to ‘catch a student lacking,’ or catch them off guard. Daniel says about four school security  guards came into the class and made everyone leave for like 30 minutes. After the fact, certain students were pulled out of the class because of what they found.

Daniel said he believes they conduct these searches “to find something dangerous.” Metal detectors is a solution he suggested instead of searching belongings because it’s quick, easy and not violating. 

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