High Enrollment Leads To Book Shortage
Senior Almendra Gutierez reading her textbook in the South Broward High School library.
November 7, 2019
This year, roughly 2,300 students enrolled and are attending SBHS. On the one hand, that’s a positive issue, as an increase in students means an increase in funding. But there is a downside – lack of resources. According to students, one resource sorely missing? AP books.
“Since we can’t take the books home we have to take notes during class time,” said senior Almendra Gutierez.
Last school year there were approximately 2,300 students attending SBHS. This year there are 2,370 students, 500 Of those who are currently taking AP classes.
According to SBHS book coordinator Mr.Puzon, at the beginning of the school year there was a shortage of AP textbooks for some classes, particularly in AP Psychology and AP Government.
This unexpected spike led to courses filling up at a rapid pace and teachers having core classes with up to 35 students. Not only are they more crowded, but there aren’t enough books to go around.
“This book problem started this year due to the school having much more students in AP Psychology than were anticipated,” said AP psychology teacher Mr.Felipe.
Felipe encourages his students to not see it as a problem, but more as an “adjustment” until new books arrive.
The unexpected larger enrollment meant that they couldn’t use the same number of books that were used last year.
“New books are currently being ordered to accommodate the larger number of students and they will be distributed very soon,” said Puzzon.
Students have access to certain AP books online. Though, some students have actually resulted on buying their own.
“I went to Barnes and Noble and bought my own psychology book because I just needed to have the actual book for myself” said Gutierez.
Teachers like Mr.Felipe use websites like Youtube and Khan Academy to help go around the issue.
“I am starting to utilize things like Canvas and Remind more, for it to be more user friendly not just for me but for the students,” said Felipe.
As first quarter came to an end and second quarter approaching, the new edition of AP Psychology books arrived.
“As far as we know there was never a shortage; we did order a new edition of AP Psychology books but they were a little delayed” said SBHS 12th grade vice-principal Mr.Winburn.
“I mean, its fine but not having the book kind of made me lose interest in the class,” said sophomore Nicole Larrosa.