How a Shooting Affected a SBHS Student

This situation happened on July 17, 2021. Cory was 42 years old.

This was a person I was very close to. He was my uncle. He was a son, friend, and lover.

Cory was at his mother’s house in West Park, Florida for the birthday celebration of his great-great-grandmother. He was shot by his cousin who was high on drugs.

When his first cousin came over, he was high on molly and was disturbing the family while we were getting ready to eat.

My uncle put his plate down and went outside to talk to him. They ended up tussling and my cousin pulled out a gun. My uncle tried to run, and he shot him in the back five times

When I found out I was very upset, and I didn’t cry until the day of the funeral. Ever since this happened, I haven’t been myself. This still doesn’t feel real.

 I feel that with our gun laws today, this will never change. Nowadays, there making it easier to get a firearm.

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