John Ferguson

Frank Williams, Contributor

Meet John he’s an aspiring NBA superstar. He is very passionate about sports to be more precise, basketball and football. He spends about 2 hours a day on social media. If John could go anywhere in the world it the first 3 places on his bucket list, which are Jamaica, Dubai, and Brazil. He believes that Dubai is one of the best countries in the world. Believe it or not but if John could be anyone for an day it would be Barack Obama, he stated “ Everyone loves Barack so why not!” He also stated that ”Barack Obama was one of the best presidents to ever run the white house to me.”

When John isn’t at school he is either working out or kicking back with his friends. Ten years from now John sees himself with millions of dollars and an NBA superstar.If john could have any superpower it would be super strength to muscle his way through his problem. John isn’t the type of person to listen to country music he’d rather listen to Hip-hop. He feels as if country music doesn’t connect with him like Hip-hop does. He stated ” I was raised around hip-hop how could it not be apart of me?” He doesn’t like any particular rapper he just loves the culture as a whole.