Drill Team, Attention!
November 13, 2017
The Marines build men. JROTC builds model students. South Broward High School’s JROTC program motivates students to be better citizens. The drill team is just one of the many after school activities JROTC offers. The drill team consists of marching and basic ROTC facing.
“We do sequences too,” says Peter Rivero, the first sergeant for Echo company, “which are combinations of movements.”
The commanders tend to take drill very seriously and make sure the cadets are dedicated to the team. They meet after school for practice four days a week, practicing movements, sequences and motivation checks. There are mixed opinions on whether drill is a sport. “In some ways yes.” says Sabrina Torres, a drill team cadet.
“Drill is my sport.” Commander Lovely Profit stated proudly. The cadets also include rifles (fake ones, of course) in their routines. The team starts competitions in January, which they plan on winning as many awards as possible.
Making it to states is the drill team’s main goal at the end of competition season. It takes dedication and effort to have a place on the team. “Their entire lives are dedicated to the same thing you loved, so I joined.” said Torres. Drill takes a serious attitude, focus and discipline, but the cadets and commanders make the experience fun and worth it.