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The Student News Site of South Broward High School

Bulldog Bark

The Student News Site of South Broward High School

Bulldog Bark

The Student News Site of South Broward High School

Bulldog Bark

Samantha Goicochea

Samantha Goicochea, Editor

Samantha Goicochea is a Senior at South Broward. She chose Journalism as one of her electives because she is somewhat familiar with the subject since she took it in freshman year. Goicochea was raised in Florida and has been living here her whole life.
She has traveled a lot and has been to places like Peru, Brazil, Colombia, Mexico, New York, Tennessee, Maryland, and Georgia. Some of her hobbies would be taking morning walks with her mom and riding bikes with her family. On the weekends, she likes to hang out with her friends and family. Goicochea loves her mom and looks up to her because she has seen her struggling to take care of her before. Her mom does everything she can to make sure her and her family are happy.
Her greatest stress in life is over thinking every decision she makes whereas something that comes easy to her is expressing herself. Anything can make Goicochea laugh, to her, it’s all about hanging out with the right people and her friends, the ones who can give her a good time and something to laugh about. People will sometimes think she is mean and unapproachable as well as not being smart and having nothing to offer other than looks, which of course, is not true.
Something people don’t really know about her, she is insecure sometimes about herself and she’s actually really shy even though she does her best to not show it. For Goicochea, the hardest thing about school online is trying to keep up with all the teachers when they are explaining things. “I would hope to achieve in bettering myself this year and to succeed in my career goals for the future.”

All content by Samantha Goicochea
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