Teens and Drugs: A Bad Mix
May 15, 2018
SBHS student Anayanci Mendez says “I would never turn to drugs.”
I’ve seen too many people ruin their lives because of drugs, people lose their lives behind drugs so why would I do it?” said Mendez
Drug abuse is one of the major issues in the United States. According to the National institute on drug abuse, nearly 2.1 million hospital emergencies visits in 2009 resulted from drug abuse. People turn to drugs for a variety of different reasons. Such as coping with stress, peer pressure, or to look “cool”.
Even some of our favorite athletes have turned to drugs to enhance their performance, by using steroids. Roger Clemens was one of those athletes. He used steroids in his life and has had many repercussions because of that. Prescription drugs could also be harmful if they are not used for their rightful purpose. Two of the most major effects of drugs are death and crime.
The two main types of drugs are; socially accepted drugs (such as alcohol and tobacco) and criminalized drugs (cocaine, marijuana and heroin.)
Some of the illegal drugs: such as marijuana, are becoming legal in Florida and in many states in America. You must have an medical marijuana license to buy it from a dispensary.
I have personally experienced watching someone who has a substance abuse problem.
Four years ago my older cousin was a star football player and was on his way to college with a full scholarship when our grandfather died. My grandfather’s death pushed my cousin over the edge and he started smoking marijuana to relieve stress, but one day my cousin decided he wanted something stronger and he started getting into heavier drugs, using cocaine, heroin, and methamphetamines.
My cousin lost his scholarship from not keeping his grades up and skipping practice. Two years later he died of an drug overdose. Drugs can ruin your life, and I saw it happen to someone right in my own family.
SBHS sophomore Destiny Taylor says she has too many goals to ever turn to drugs. “I want to go to college and make something of myself so why jeopardize my future by using drugs?” said Taylor. She thinks anyone who uses drugs needs to get help.

If you or a loved one are having issues with drug abuse of any kind I strongly suggest you follow this link to help. https://www.caron.org/ourprograms. I wish I would’ve known about this site when my cousin was alive but hopefully I can help save other people from ruining their lives.