Thoughts on School Lunch

student opinions

Kayah Garbutt, Contributer

Are you tired of eating the same school lunch every day? Well what if you didn’t have to anymore, what if you can leave school and go get food that you might prefer to eat instead. Students would be able to leave school grounds and get their lunch at Subway or Little Caesars. There is a problem when it comes to trusting the students.

Lets here what a student has to say about this idea. Maicol Hernandez is in 9 th grade at SBHS. He says that “school lunch isn’t bad but its not good either”. That it is also “not a good idea to let students leave the school because you can’t really trust the students to come back to school”. He also thinks that “instead of letting students leave that the school can get food trucks an put them at school.”

Max Nueger is a student at SBHS and he thinks that school lunch is not fulfilling. Max agree’s with the idea that students should be allowed to leave school, but can only go a certain distance. The only problem he thinks of the idea is the trusting of the students to come back to school.

Personally I think that the idea is good. The problem that all of us think is the trusting of the students to come back to school. But a solution to that is to put up a perimeter of where the students can go. This way students come back to school and are happy that they got the lunch they prefer.

students eating a healthy lunch