Go Away Covid!!


Tyra West, contrubutor

Mellinda Mott is a 34-year-old mother who works at IHOP as a waitress, from 7:00 am to 2:00 pm for “business needs’’.

 “I come in contact with many people everyday, and my job is busy all the time. There are three cooks and five other waitresses– six including me,” she said.

They all wear masks at all times, however customers are allowed to remove their masks when they sit down.

“I have already caught the virus while working, from picking up dishes and glasses and used napkins– which is part of my job description,’’ Mott said.

Mott has to persevere to stay safe from the virus, so that she may keep working to supply for her children.

“If I caught the virus again I would be very unhappy,” she said. “I would  also lose 14 plus days worth of  pay. If I was to get the virus again I would suffer a financial loss.”

Mott tries her best to stay safe, and keeps hand sanitizer on her at all times, and washes her hands after touching or cleaning a table. She also keeps her mask on throughout her whole shift. However she does not plan on getting the vaccine.

“In my opinion, I don’t think the vaccine is safe because there wasn’t a long enough testing trial,” Mott said. “Also, my job isn’t requiring employees to take the vaccine so I don’t see a point in risking my health.’’

“I strongly dislike covid-19 on a scale of 1 to 10, I pick 10. 10 being highly disliked,”  said Mott.