Ask Nina

Markalya Lee, Editor

Dear Nina, my mental health has caused me to be less focused in school. I have too much on my mind and when I’m doing my school work, I don’t really give it my all because I’m not motivated. Do you have any advice that I could use?

Dear reader,

Your mental health is very important. It’s an essential part of your life; it affects your thoughts, behaviors, and emotions. Improving your mental health is a long process, but it’s worth it in the end. You can try to improve your mental health by exercising, eating balanced and healthy meals, opening up to other people in your life, taking a break when you need to, remembering something you are grateful for. Psychologist studies say that you should talk about your feelings, exercising, eating healthy, keeping in touch with family and friends, asking for help, and taking a break to give yourself some free time. 


 Dear Nina, I’m having trouble balancing schoolwork and also trying to keep an active social life. What should I do?


Dear reader, I’ve dealt with the same problem you’re dealing with. I try to plan out things that I have to do for school ahead. Not procrastinating is one of the main things that often affects people who have an active social life while trying to balance.  By procrastinating you allow the things that you have to pile up and it will be harder to get them done and still have time to do the things you want to. According to Psychology today , organizing your work based on when assignments are due Prioritizing assignments will allow you to focus on what is most important first and then knock out smaller assignments afterward. Knowing you’ve completed a major project and not having to worry about it hanging over your head can also help you to feel more balanced and relaxed. This might not take away all your stress but it will help you manage while having a lot on your plate.


Dear Nina, my parents are going through a divorce, and things have been chaotic lately. I have been stressed due to all the changes happening. What can I do to stay positive?


Dear reader,

You should talk to your parents about how you feel, and not keep them in the dark about this. Talking to them about how you’re taking things or how it’s affecting you. Your parents getting back together in the future may not be something you can count on but friendly standing between your two parents and homes are some goals that your family can work towards. According to the kid’s health, you should participate in many of your normal activities. It can help to keep school activities and friends the same. Also finding your inner strength and focusing on your own goals can really help keep your stress levels down


Dear Nina, I know that I’m only a sophomore but I’m worried that I might not be able to go to or pay for college. What can I do?


Dear reader, I had the same problem. Intel someone Introduced me to the Broward College Upward Bound program. It helps students who attend South Broward High School, McArthur High School, and Deerfield Beach High School and want to pursue a bachelor’s or associate degree after high school. You have to be at least a 2.5 GPA or higher. While still in high school they give academic tutoring, college visits, career exploration, ACT/SAT prep, and help you earn money just for participation. Once you graduate and go to college they still follow up with you and help with financial aid application, advising, mentoring, and academic tutoring.