How Corona Virus is Impacting the Local Community

May 19, 2020
In the wake of a global pandemic, communities far and wide have been struggling to decide the best actions in order to produce an outcome that everyone will be able to live safely all while doing their best to protect the economy. Businesses in local communities are struggling to remain open due to the lock-down and shutting down of restaurant sit-ins and other small business owners around the local community.
Now more that ever our community along with every other around the globe are banding together to help people who can’t help themselves to fight for a better life after this pandemic. Organization leaders have been calling big shots in order to keep local communities safe and well aware of the situation that has taken the world by storm.
Rabillerenzo • May 30, 2020 at 11:33 pm
Wow. Spot on! You really well tackled the local aspect of the Corona crisis! Word count is on point too!!