Why The Simulation Drill Isn’t Good For Students

Kids hiding in a drill.
February 25, 2019
The simulation drill is a drill that teachers have done at South Broward High School suggested by the Hollywood Police. It was done in Broward County mostly. It is a simulation of a gunshot, and seeing what you would do in the classroom, and where you would hide. Students and parents think it’s a good idea and experience for the students.
However, it is not a good idea to do the simulation drill for the students because we will never know how we will react if we are in a harmful situation. Since will never know what our reactions will be, it does not make sense to practice something we don’t know when is going to happen. We won’t know when, where or how it will happen.
Yes, it is good to know where to hide and how to barricade the doors, and how to defend ourselves, but when the time comes we have to be more careful with our actions. We will not know when or where the shooter will shoot, so it will not be very helpful if they only practice in the classrooms, we need more practice in different situations. The police will take 2 minutes to get there at the school. In a harmful situation, 2 minutes is an awful long time; if a terrorist came in the school, he or she could do a awful lot.
There is a dire need to have complementary form of disaster training which is cost effective, and relatively easy to conduct. There was a mean rise from 47.3 (18.8%) to 84.0 (18.7%) in post‐test for simulation drill.
If the simulation drill would happen, it might have a psychological effect on the kids doing it. It might trigger them in wanting to do something with it or about it. There could be a possible negative effect on the students, like wanting to hold a gun, or wanting to do something harmful. That is why the simulation drill shouldn’t be done.