Angie Jaramillo, Editor
Angie Jaramillo’s final year in high school, but this isn’t the end of their journey for Journalism. This will be their fourth year in Journalism and intends to pursue it as a career.
17 year old Jaramillo didn’t like the subject at first and found it extremely boring.
“ I took a journalism class in 8th grade. It was basically interviewing classmates and sleeping in class,” said Jaramillo. “ I was expecting the same thing, but little did I know it changed my entire career choice.”
Their favorite music genre is Kpop. Jaramillo mentioned their favorite songs are Given-taken by Enphyen and The View by StrayKids.
“ Kpop makes me feel happy and alive. Everytime I listen to it, my body immediately starts to move around and my face lights up,” said Jaramillo.
Jaramillo’s favorite motto in life is find comfort in the uncomfortable.